Apr 20,2024
Baomoi.com: People’s Teacher Vo Tong Xuan advises students to be optimistic, study deeply, and study all the time
People’s Teacher Vo Tong Xuan advises students to be optimistic, study deeply, and study all the time
According to People’s Teacher Vo Tong Xuan*, the future will depend on how young people perceive life. Every young person needs to be optimistic and positive outlook to have a bright future. Then, students must identify their passions for the career and fully commit to that passion.
Recently, the event "Sitting with the Future" was held at Ho Chi Minh City University of Education, with the participation of over 10 esteemed professors, associate professors, doctors, writers, and journalists in the field of education. The event also attracted more than 200 students from the Faculties of Vietnamese Language Studies, Biology, and Primary Education at Ho Chi Minh City University of Education.
The event was co-organized by Associate Professor Dr. Bui Thanh Truyen, Head of the Faculty of Vietnamese Language Studies at Ho Chi Minh City University of Education, Mr. Vo Dieu Thanh, a writer and teacher, Mrs. Nguyen Thi Thuy Linh, a former education administrator, and journalist and MC Pham Minh Trieu. During the event, delegates and students had the opportunity to connect with Professor Dr. Vo Tong Xuan through an online platform.
People’s Teacher, Professor Dr. Vo Tong Xuan shared life skills and his personal experiences in passionately pursuing and working with students
According to Professor Dr. Vo Tong Xuan, the future will depend on how young people perceive life. Every young person must have an optimistic outlook to have a bright future. This can be achieved by determining one's passion for a career and committing to it.
People’s Teacher Vo Tong Xuan shared his personal experience from the past when he moved from An Giang to Saigon for his studies. He stayed at an acquaintance's house and every night, he slept and looked after the car on the street. Despite the challenging living situation, he did not see it as a hardship. He saw it as a valuable opportunity to improve his foreign language skills. "During my time sleeping outdoors, I made it a habit to wake up at 5 a.m. and listen to English teaching programs on the radio. My determination to improve paid off, as my proficiency in foreign languages improved rapidly. I saw these challenging circumstances as opportunities for personal growth," he explained.
A significant number of students took part in the event
As with many other dedicated students of his time, he had a strong desire to study abroad due to the inadequate training environment of Vietnamese universities. However, due to challenging family circumstances, he was limited to only one option - taking the scholarship exam at a lesser-known university, the University of Agriculture in Los Banos, Philippines. It was there that he was able to further develop his knowledge in the field of Agrochemical and has remained deeply involved in agriculture ever since.
He also advised students that they should determine their goals and learn the necessary skills and knowledge for their chosen profession. He emphasized, "Learning can take place anytime, anywhere, and in many ways and sources, not just in class with teachers."
Delegates participated in the discussion event and took photos with students
As a teacher and educational manager, he delivered an audience of teachers and pedagogical students with attention to details such as personal hygiene, dental hygiene, proper board writing techniques, and turning off the lights when exiting the classroom.
Professor Dr. Vo Tong Xuan, also known as the People's Teacher, is a highly esteemed educator and scientist, both in his home country and internationally. Born in 1940 in Ba Chuc, An Giang, he has been recognized with numerous prestigious awards from various countries and organizations. These include the Derek Tribe Award for Science and Technology in 2005, the 2002 Nikkei Asia Award for Regional Growth, the 1993 Ramon Magsaysay Award for Service to the State, a Certificate of Merit from the Prime Minister of Canada in 1995 for his contributions to global science, the Medal of Agricultural Horseman from the French Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries in 1996, and the Best Alumni award from the University of the Philippines at Los Baños in 2001. He was also honored with the Derek Tribe Award in Australia in 2005.
Recently, Professor Dr. Vo Tong Xuan became the first Vietnamese person to receive the VinFuture Award. This prestigious global award is reserved for scientists from countries with limited scientific research conditions and opportunities for recognition at this level.
Ha Chi
*: People's Teacher, Labor Hero, Professor Dr. Vo Tong Xuan is currently the Rector Emeritus of Nam Can Tho Universit